Monday, February 20, 2012

A doctor's report on why to drink Zeal

There are so many benefits from drinking Zeal.
Here is just some of them that I've come across in the doctor's report by Dr. Scott VanLue:

-Zeal uses only natural, time-tested ingredients and scientific clinical research confirms their incredible health benefits.
-Zeal contains more than 80 different trace ionic and fulvic minerals as well as zeolites to deliver nutrients at the cellular level.
-Zeal helps fight against the "#1 Killer" heart attack and stroke. Homocysteine, a toxic amino acid has been identified as a true root cause of heart disease. Zeal contains many of the vital nutrients that help lower dangerous homocysteine levels.
-Zeal is a complete anti-aging program in one amazing product. The primary cause of aging is free radicals. Free radicals damage cells and contribute to illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and arthritis. Antioxidants fight free radicals.
-Zeal is your most comprehensive antioxidant program. Zeal contains the largest array of antioxidants and the most powerful antioxidants, tocotrienols.
-Zeal is great for those following "The Zone" eating/diet program. You get the protein, carbs, and essential fat with a low glycemic index. You're in "The Zone" with Zeal.

As you can see zeal is one amazing drink that will not only give you energy to kick start your day but a host of other benefits.

For more information visit

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