Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rice bran helps control both types of diabetes

Rice bran is one of the main ingredients in the zeal drink. There have been several studies done to conclude that rice bran helps control the symptoms of diabetes. According to Quereshi et al rice bran significantly reduces hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in both types of diabetes. Cheng et al concludes that rice bran "may represent an important functional nutrient to ameliorate (to make better or more tolerable) lipid and glycemic anomalies in type 2 diabetic subjects". Another study by Gerhardt and Gallo showed that rice bran reduced cholesterol and LDL-Cholesterol and improved lipid ratios in 78% of the subjects taking rice bran in the study.
With these studies we can conclude that rice bran not only help's control both types of diabetes but also reduce's cholesterol and improve's lipid ratios. Just one more reason to drink Zeal!
To hear some amazing testimonies go to

To learn more about Zeal go to

Effects of stabilized rice bran it's soluble and fiber fractions on blood glucose levels and serum lipid parameters in humans with diabetes mellitus type I & II diabetes patients. by Quereshi et al.

Rice bran health benefits research ameliorative effects of stabilized rice bran on type 2 diabetes patients. by Cheng et al.

Full-fat rice bran and oat bran similarly reduce hypercholesterolemia in humans. By Gerhardt and Gallo.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well I ran my first half-marathon last Sunday in 40 degree weather add the rain and the wind it was pretty crazy. I ran the whole time without stopping to walk and finished at 2 hours and 21 minutes (if it wasn't for the two bathroom stops it would have been shorter). My hip did not hurt at any point in the run as well as any other joints. It's a true testament to Zeal that I did not get sick or have any stressed joints. It rained the whole time and once I finished the race my lips and fingers were blue so it was pretty obvious my body was in a weak state. Even in such conditions I felt better than I know I would've if it wasn't for Zeal. I owe my great outcome to Zeal's incredible vitamins and antioxidants that helped enrich, restore and protect my body at the cellular level.
To learn more go to

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Health Benefits of drinking Zeal

"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." -Spanish proverb

Here's the health benefits of drinking Zeal everyday:

~Increase your mental clarity. Many of the ingredients in Zeal have been shown
 to improve memory and mental performance and stimulate clarity and focus.
 Knowing your doing something great for your body is tonic for the mind as well.
~Boost your alertness. Who doesn't want to feel more alert?? Zeal's unique blends of 
nutrients and vitamins provide your body's systems with the extra oomph you need.
~Feel more vibrant. A sense of vitality and well-being comes from a combination of
 good physical health, high energy levels, and a positive mental attitude. Zeal can
 help you achieve all three and more with its synergistic blend of whole food
~Turn back the clock. Zeal induces your body's natural antioxidant enzymes to combat 
oxidative stress and restore your cells to a youthful state. Zeal can't literally take 
years off your age but it might feel like it.
~Protect your body from environmental stress. Noise, air pollution, traffic, poor 
lighting,clutter...environmental stresses are all around us. These man made and 
natural forces can have adverse affects in the form of headaches, frustration,
tiredness, and general discomfort. All natural Zeal can give you the defenses 
you need to fend off stresses and keep your energy level high. 
~Improve your nutritional balance. Today's processed low-nutrient foods leave a big 
nutritional gap in many people's diets. Zeal's proprietary formula contains more than 
100 natural ingredients specially selected to supplement your daily diet with nutrients 
you need. 
~Get a tasty, low-calorie treat. Zeal's wild berry flavor gives you a natural, delicious 
way to start your day. At only 48 calories, Zeal fits right in with a healthy weight loss

These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. This product is
 not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information on this site is not intended to replace
 advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information found on any product label or
 packaging.You should always consult with a qualified health care professional before starting any diet or
 supplementation program, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking prescription medications.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

A personal story

      I would like to share the impact zeal has made on me. On Friday I took a 75 minute long boot camp class for the first time and then Saturday I ran 9 miles (I know not the smartest thing to do but I'm pretty much a fanatic when it comes to my running schedule). So I was thinking I was going to be super sore and all my muscles and joints were going to be irritated. Not the case at all, besides some slight soreness I feel great not even tired in fact I feel invigorated and full of energy. Believe me I'm not in the best shape either I only started running back in September, long distances last month, and that was my very first boot camp class. Not only that before I started taking zeal my hip would feel strained after running more than 4 miles now I can run 11 miles and my hip is not strained in the least. I believe zeal's unique blend of vitamins and antioxidants especially rice bran, goji berry extract, and noni juice powder really do help in enriching, restoring and protecting the body at the cellular level.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Zeal Story

There are hundreds of health products on the market claiming to be the secrets to good health and well-being. With so many choices, it can be hard to know which ones are right for you, and even harder to consume all the pills, powders and juices they say you need to be healthy and feel great.
Zeal takes the guesswork out of staying healthy with an all-in-one natural nutritional formula. Simply add water or juice to Zeal's synergistic blend of whole food concentrates and drink at least one serving a day to get all the nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins your body needs. Zeal dissolves easily, tastes great and helps you recapture your youthful Zeal for life.

Zeal Benefits You Three Ways

Enriches your body for optimal health with whole food concentrates.Zeal has a complete spectrum of nourishment from whole food concentrates that deliver the best nutrition nature has to offer. These natural botanicals and plant extracts feed your body with essential nutrients.

Restores your body's energy with powerful antioxidants and amino acids. Zeal's blend of nutrients is packed with antioxidants, amino acids and special mixture of herbs specifically designed to induce your body's own natural antioxidant enzymes (including super oxide dismutase blend) to restore your cells to a youthful state.

Protects your youthful Zeal for life with complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides. Zeal contains a blend of complex carbohydrates and polysaccharides that support your immune system and help protect your body from environmental stress.
Zeal's Ingredients Are Time-Tested
For thousands of years, native peoples around the world have taken advantage of the natural, life-enhancing properties now found in Zeal. Modern science is confirming their stories of heightened well-being, proving centuries of folklore and discovering these natural remedies are the keys to better health and longer life.
Zeal has well over 100 essential nutrients including nutritional superstars such as rice bran and aloe vera that work synergistically to Enrich, Restore and Protect your body. Found in the richest and most unspoiled soils on the planet, these extraordinary whole food and plant extracts have been brought together into a unique, all-in-one wellness formula of vital nutrients to support your immune system and restore you to a state of youthful vigor.
A well-nourished body is a healthy body, and Zeal is the ideal way to supplement your diet to get health-enhancing nutrients. As you consume Zeal on a daily basis, you may see distinct improvements in your health and well-being, along with dozens of other noticeable benefits.

Zeal Tastes Great!

Zeal is a concentrated, powdered, nutritional formula you can mix with water or juices or blend into your favorite shakes. It has an invigorating, wild berry flavor that works great as a morning wake-up, afternoon refresher or tasty evening treat.
Zeal contains no artificial sweeteners, so there's none of the aftertaste, bitterness or over-sweetness found in many other health drinks. And because Zeal powdered formula comes in a vacuum-sealed canister, it's always fresh, has a shelf-life of 18 months and maintains its potency much longer than liquid formulas.

Our No-Risk Guarantee

We're so confident in Zeal's health benefits that if you don't feel better after drinking it regularly for 30 days, we'll give you your money back. We offer this guarantee because we know Zeal's full spectrum of nutrition is sure to restore your Zeal for life!